Indoor positioning, LBS and proxy marketing for exceptional retail venues

We help you reinvent the shopping world by combining the power of physical spaces with Indoor Location data and LBS such as proximity marketing, to create exceptional visitor experiences and increase visitor loyalty. We empower you to develop the mall of the future or other next-level retail venues by bringing the best of Indoor Location Technology, and Digital Location data to the physical world. Leverage indoor-positioning enabled proximity marketing and indoor analytics to start making the most out of your business today.

Proximity marketing and Location based services for shopping malls and stores

Our comprehensive Indoor positioning solution including our own BLEs, SDKs and indoor location platform, NAO Cloud,  opens up a world of proximity marketing opportunities and LBS to enhance visitor experience while creating new opportunities for venue operators and retailers to drive visitor engagement and loyalty.

The benefits of indoor positioning in malls and large retail venues

Our indoor positioning solution NAO suite enables a wide range of location based services to help mall operators make the most out of their space and improve ROI.

Proximity marketing

  • Create new opportunities for merchants to engage with visitors and better serve their needs by delivering real-time location specific content and highly targeted messages such as special offers and promotions, personalized greetings and much more

Indoor Analytics

  • Make the most out of your data about visitor footfall, flows and dwell times to identify high and low traffic areas and optimize space and resources

Asset and people tracking

  • Improve security by monitoring any entries  or exits from dangerous or unauthorized zones
  • Make the most out of your equipment by keeping track of where and how it is being used
  • Improve efficiency of staff

Wayfinding and location sharing

  • Help visitors get around fast and easily as well as connecting with friends or family by offering turn-by-turn navigation and location sharing


Discover the use cases